
Party time and more...

Hey folks, especially the local to San Francisco ones, we’re finally having a farewell-to-aQuarius party and you’re invited - please come! It’ll be at the Make Out Room (on 22nd Street, around the corner from the old aQ/current Stranded on Valencia) on Sunday, December 4th.

It’s a late afternoon/early evening event, starting at 3pm or so and going ’til 8pm, with a couple of great bands (and friends of ours) performing around six or seven - namely lovelorn lo-fi indie pop janglers Swiftumz, and Metallica-loving noise popsters the Tony Molina Band (ex-Ovens). Figure those two will be happy/poppy/fun enough to lift our spirits at this aQ wake… So please come and hang out with various ex-aQ staffers, fellow former customers and assorted music nerds to mourn the end of an era while also celebrating the good times we had and all the crazy music with which we’re mutually obsessed. You can also bug Andee and Allan in person about progress on our big aQ book project... It's a free event, but sorry, it's not all-ages, though. Facebook event page here.

Also, on FB: our old customer/pal Dan Vallor (aka trippy soundscaper Clarinette) just set up a cool Friends Of Aquarius Records group on Facebook, to function as both a memorial to the store and also another way for former aQ-fans to connect, reminisce, and maybe even network about their own new musical projects and releases. Very awesome, thanks Dan! And thanks everybody who has already joined up and especially those posting photos and sharing memories of the shop.

Lastly and leastly - fyi, the Slamz Jail page on this site has recently been updated. Check it out if you dare. (Glad to see at least two people have found it amusing thus far!)

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